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Ship's ballast water electrolysis disinfection system
time:2015-03-23 17:22  clicks:
January 26 morning, the TUC on behalf of a third company was held in the seventh floor lecture hall. The theme is to convey the spirit of learning and Shipbuilding Corporation Jiujiang Company 2015 annual work conference, summed up the fire in the boat review 2014 achievements, in recognition for the successful achievement of the goals that have made outstanding contributions to the advanced collectives and individuals, in-depth analysis of new faces situation, a clear general idea of ??the work in 2015, the overall objectives and general requirements, the implementation of the annual deployment of various tasks. Company leaders, the total aid level leadership, staff representatives, representatives from more than 80 people attended the meeting, Jiujiang Military Representative Office Deputy Chief Representative Xiongkai Jun attended the meeting. ??8:30, at the opening in the solemn national anthem. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Commission for Discipline Inspection, the union president Guohui chair. Party secretary Yu Ping convey the spirit of the company 2015 annual work conference and Jiujiang Shipbuilding Corporation 2015 annual meeting, requiring departments to seriously learn to communicate, understand the company and Jiujiang company in 2015 and focused on the situation facing the task of gathering strength, passion ahead, go all out to complete the work for the company and Jiujiang company to achieve "five" the overall goal to make a positive contribution to development. At the meeting in 2014 in recognition of the various types of advanced collectives and individuals, advanced collectives and individuals representative spoke. Tang Wenjun, general manager made a presentation entitled "Passion aggressive courage to act in a comprehensive reform to strengthen management and create a new chapter in leaps and bounds Fire Boat," the administration report. He said that in 2014 the company all the staff work together to calmly deal with the difficulties and challenges, institutional reform, risk management and control, production management, corporate culture and Party building and ideological work comprehensively promote the party's mass line educational outcomes further consolidated. 281.38 million yuan of new contracts throughout the year, to complete the 112.6% target, an increase of 18.16%; industrial output value of 226.8 million yuan, the completion target of 105.5 percent, an increase of 29.97%; sales revenue 222.22 million yuan, the completion target of 100.9% , an increase of 33.75%; profit 5.83 million yuan to complete the objectives of 100.3%, 242.35% increase over last year, to better accomplish various tasks, reform and innovation for the company's development and over achieve "five" target laid a solid foundation. He pointed out that in 2015 the company is in "great development and reform, big building," a rare historical opportunity, the goal of the new contract for 476 million yuan, industrial output value of 410 million yuan, sales income of 400 million yuan, the total profit 7.9 million Yuan. To focus on doing six aspects: one should take special projects as the starting point, the core of the military to strengthen and promote the work of military steps; second, the passion, the courage to play, striving to be the vanguard of the boat Jiujiang integrated development; three to emancipate the mind, a comprehensive the release of the vitality of enterprises to deepen reform; four to strengthen risk management and control, the ability to effectively consolidate the internal management, improve the overall management level; Fifth, actively integrate into the "big Jiujiang" and accelerate construction of the new work; six is ??to raise awareness, to further enhance the culture of party building companies. ??Jiujiang Shipbuilding Industry Co. deputy chief accountant, chief accountant of the fire in the ship Yin Richfield made a "Report on the 2014 annual financial statements, business entertainment expenses usage and 2015 annual financial budget." Afternoon, staff representatives on how to implement the spirit of the company's 2015 annual meeting levels, implementation boat Fire "second five" target, promote the transformation and development of new achievements to carry out sub-group discussions, the company in 2015 to do the work of positive suggestions . All reviewed and approved the work report on behalf of the resolution, financial budget and final accounts and business entertainment usage reports resolutions. The meeting concluded, general manager of China Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. Jiujiang, party secretary, the chairman Xiao Kun firefighting boat made a speech. For the good work in 2015, he asked: First, thinking and understanding and mental state should be in place. Cadres should always full of passion for innovation and entrepreneurship, and always maintain the integrity due diligence and dedication to lead the staff surly enhance the sense of crisis, responsibility, change ideas, improve the quality and the ability to adapt to the new normal, the new state of mind, grasp the implementation of each task . Second, business ideas and means of expanding. ??We should focus on ship security system, fluid control integration, land use public safety technology, high-end four chemical industry direction, establish a large business ideas, to broaden the concept of perspective to stand on a higher market positioning, consolidate traditional markets, capture potential market, aimed at the future market. The third is to enhance research capacity. New product development work to be "real" to grasp the transformation, accelerate the new CFA fire extinguishing systems and fire detection and alarm industrialization process research projects. Technological innovation mechanism to be "live" and optimize the configuration of scientific and technological strength, stimulate innovation and vitality researchers. To promote cooperation with platinum Ott, exploring scientific and technical personnel and other equity incentive pilot new incentives. Technology Management To "strict" to strengthen technical state foundation management, increase the assessment efforts of scientific and technical personnel. Fourth, deepen the reform to be accelerated. Both to improve top-level design, system considerations, but also the courage to pilot, focused, specific advance hierarchically. To dare to move really tough cases, touch interests. Foreign joint venture to further expand cooperation, adhere to win-win cooperation, to promote the employment of internal mechanism reform, the focus is on "energy, the energy that can be cut" on the real, see the effectiveness, operational efficiency and enhance the company's ability to control. Five "big Jiujiang" to enhance awareness. Relying on the advantages of a better group, with the overall advantage in Jiujiang, Jiujiang actively integrate into the integrated development of the region and enhance the "overall a game of chess," thinking, striving to "vanguard", trying to work in the forefront.
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